David Warther Knives
A New Generation of Warther Pocket Knives
In 1902, at age 17, Ernest Warther made a kitchen knife for his mother and, inadvertently, a business was born. By 1910 Ernest had solidified a pocketknife design that he would make throughout his life utilizing different handle materials. In turn his son Dave would make Warther pocketknives into the 1990’s. Dave’s son Dale continued making them until his death in 2010. In 2019, David II, Dale's younger brother and Dave's son, began making this unique knife.
David’s pocketknives hold the same fine lines and handsome design that his grandfather developed over 100 years ago. Warther knives have always been made of high carbon tool steel tempered to 58 Rockwell on the C scale. The blade and the back spring are of 1095 tool steel. The bolsters and liners, in keeping with Warther tradition, are of Nickel Silver.
The new Warther pocketknife is offered in 4 different models with each model corresponding to a particular year in the life of the knife when handle materials changed. Ernest had a modest start in life and he utilized cattle bone for the handles of his early knives (Model 1910). In the roaring 20's he made ivory handled knives (Model 1923) and then in the depression 30’s he frugally utilized ebony wood (Model 1938). In his later years when his son Dave became involved in knife making they both made elegant pearl handled knives (Model 1963).